Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Into the Wild Blue Yonder

To start it off I am going to read "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley.

I know it probably seems silly to mostly any one reading this that anyone  has yet to pick this up, but unlike most people this was never in any of my classes nor have I heard much about it other than the great criticism of my neglect in reading it.  It comes highly recommended as a launching point for this project and will help lay the foundation for exploring the ideas behind Utopian/Distopian Science Fiction which will definitely play a big roll in other books on the list.

I bought the 1969 edition of the book as seen here:

However, I found it used on Half.com for around $2 so  obviously as the cheap college student I am, I went with this one.  If I had known, my good friend Cassie said she would have offered to lend me the book if I had asked, however I think its good this way and I will actually try to buy my own physical copies of each book I read for the project to help grow my library.

Well, instead of talking about it I should probably get started so the minute I push publish I will start reading the forward.

Thanks for reading and wish me luck!

P.S. If anyone actually happens to stumble across and read this blog, please let me know what you think, be it about the project as a whole, or any information or feedback on the books I'm reading.  Also, if anyone can think of any more of the "Great" Science Fiction novels that I am missing on the list please let me know, and I will try and add them.